Ficus benghalensis, बरगद, बड़
#naturenotefrommhow #floraofmhow #treesofmhow #banyansofmhow #postcardfrommhow
My thoughts on Mhow and events occuring here....
Ficus benghalensis, बरगद, बड़
#naturenotefrommhow #floraofmhow #treesofmhow #banyansofmhow #postcardfrommhow
On 26 November 1949, the Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution, which came into effect on January 26, 1950, marking India’s transition to a democratic republic.
Public domain photograph of Dr B R Ambedkar, Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee and independent India's first minister for law and justice.
Dr Ambedkar was born in Mhow on 14 April 1891.
His father Subedar Major Ramji Sakpal of the Mahar Regiment was posted here.
"बटले ले लो" रविवार २८/११/२०१०
Selling peas from a thela (handcart), Mhow, Sunday 28/11/2010
You can see the Garrison Ground too.
P. S. In the Malwi dialect which is spoken in this area मटर (peas) are known as बटले (batle)
Its tail shivers so it's known as "thir थिरा" थिर थिरा in Hindi.
आम पे नये पत्ते Mangifera indica
The common name mango and the genus name mangifera come from manga the Portugese word for this fruit which comes from the Malay word mangga and which in turn comes from the Tamil man-kay.
#naturenotefrommhow #floraofmhow #treesofmhow #postcardfrommhow
"I need some lovin', lots of it actually... " said Dingo to Shashank and offered his back. :-) Pics courtesy Evangeline
I don't think c"I
The TDC-316 At MCTE Mhow
#postcardfrommhow #csimhowchapter
These young soldiers of the 22nd Battalion of the Sikh Regiment were some of those who were on duty that day. They will be in some other corner of the country now.
Fifteen years ago. 31-10-2009.
A young lad selling cotton candy aka "budhiya ke baal" (बुढ़िया के बाल) has just crossed the bridge where General's Road ends and One Tree Hill Road begins. He's obviously heading towards the village of Gangliya Khedi where he can expect good sales. Mhow wallas can compare how this area looked fifteen years ago with how it looks today.
At the Cantonment Post Office of Mhow. Also the former Telegraph office. Nineteenth century
vintage. New roof :-)
Clicked on my cycle ride this morning
The six 'pansies' ...
Pansy butterflies clicked in Mhow.
Top row: Grey Pansy, Blue Pansy.
Middle Row: Peacock Pansy, Lemon Pansy
Bottom Row: Chocolate Pansy and Yellow Pansy.
Photographs courtesy Arvind Yadav, Mhow. Aug 2020
#naturenotefrommhow #butterfliesofmhow
This baobab flower looks so beautiful in black and white.
No wonder the French poet, artist and film director Jean Cocteau had once said, "Black and white is colour and colour is black and white."
This flower is on one of my many tree friends (वृक्ष मित्र)- the one at the gate of the Defence Officers' Club aka DSOMI Mhow formerly the Club of Central India.
Scientific name: Adansonia digitata
Common names: खोरासानी इमली, मांडव इमली, गोरख चिंच, monkey-bread tree, African calabash.
#naturenotefrommhow #floraofmhow #treesofmhow #baobabsofmhow